I need help with verifying my order

If you are asked to verify your order, please follow the steps below carefully in order to do so. Please note that this is a one-time process. You will not have to repeat it for future orders.

  • Step 1. Start the verification process for your order by clicking on the link. See image below.


  • Step 2. Enter the required information and click on ‘Get Verification Code’, to receive a code via email or SMS message.


  •  Step 3. Enter the verification code you received and click on 'Continue'.




  • Step 4. Your order will be validated and a confirmation email will be sent to you.




  • Step 5. We will validate your order and send you a confirmation email.



In certain cases we may require additional information to validate your order. If this is the case, we will send you an email with all of the necessary details.












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